Some of the features of our Multi-recharging system are –
With an all-in-one recharge solution, anyone may start an online recharge business.
In case the event of a failure transaction, a refund will be sent automatically.
High commissions will re-energize your business.
Automate the coordination of pending recharges with several operators
Through API integration, you can support mobile recharge APIs, remittance APIs,and travel APIs.
When a recharge is made, the Application Notification / Notification / URL
Callback will be called back.
Significantly higher rate of success transactions only
Most carrier denominations/plans are supported.
Recharge your customers' phones and earn a large commission on each recharge. We offer retail, distributor, and master distributor services for top-up services, and we want franchise partners to help us build our business. You may also use our charging API to incorporate it into your own system. For the B2B Recharge business, we also provide white label & wallet integration solutions.